
Showing posts from February, 2022


level 0 -- the Computer is totally dumb. level 1 -- Computer is smarter (original version). level 2 -- You MAY win (only when you start). level 3 -- Computer NEVER lose. To play Tictactoe, noughts, and crosses, or X-and-Os, two players mark three-by-three grids with Xs or Os, then switch roles. Three consecutive horizontal, vertical, or diagonal marks from the same player are considered the winner. Gameplay The strategy of playing Ultimate tictactoe is far more complicated than that of most other tictactoe variants. To put it simply, this is because of the game's intricate branching system. Even though each move must be made on a local board, the global board must be considered in numerous ways: The location of the opponent's next move is determined by the moves made on the local board. Due to the opponent being transported to a different local board and not being able to respond instantly, moves that would be judged terrible in standard tictactoe...